
Sunday, October 11, 2015


Finding the courage to stand up to the majority:"42" and Harry Potter

Having learned about Jackie Robinson in school, I thought I would know what to expect when watching the movie "42," a realistically, harsh insight in to one of the most famous names in American baseball and Civil Rights, yet I am continually humbled by the horrific realities he faced on a daily basis and the grace with which he paved the road for all other black ball players. Jackie and the team owner knew that they would face great resistance in signing him to the Dodgers, yet for one reason or another were willing to challenge the social norms in order to fight for what was right. The resounding courage that was shown by these men is often what sets heroes apart; heroes like our very own Harry Potter.

When we think about what sets Potter and Robinson apart from the rest in their respective communities, it is their courage to challenge society for what they believe in. Both men battled inequalities, race in America, and magical bloodlines in the world of Harry Potter. Had either of these men wavered in their courage, they would have been unsuccessful in making a change. But it is important to acknowledge that in both of these cases, their courage was contagious. Their impact did not end with themselves, it was felt by those they came in contact with and their sphere of influence continued to grow.

Both of these men were just ordinary men by any other standards. There lies the courage within each of us to challenge the sometimes dark world around us and to make a change for the good.

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